Love At First Sight???

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Love at first sight, some people consider this a the ultimate relationship, just like in the movies, the prince comes down sees the love of his life… I think people love this story, because if you find that person you, don’t have any of the problem of: trying to find the perfect person, going through the stage of: does he or she like me, the bother-sum practice of dating a lot of people, and the idea is he or she the one.  Love at first sight is said to be instantaneous, the couple is in the groove, of a world-wind relationship and planning for our forever. However is this an actual thing? Also does L.A.F.S. actually happen and is this type of relationship possible?

Love at first sight is what weeds the rest of the world out from the person or people you are supposed to be with. Love at first sight is what brings you into someone’s life, and you into theirs. Love at first sight is how you can see that there is something more to this life than trying to find someone to understand you, because at the end of the day, there is a possibility that person is there and understands you more than yourself. You might have met that person yesterday.(Psychology Today) 

Sometimes you ask yourself “Is it real?”, and yet you are faced with a person right in front of you, beckoning your every inner desire to love and feel love for this one single person who you know absolutely nothing about it. You can’t put your finger on what makes this person different from all of the rest. And while “love” can be a strong word, you know that in your heart that there is something that is making you like this person a whole lot more than all of the other people that have crossed your path. You question yourself on whether or not you are losing it, or perhaps you are just putting all of your eggs into one basket, but you know.

You know.   Image result for you know light bulb

You know that that person has a spark. They have something that has the potential to make you and your life better than you could’ve ever imagined it to be. And you hope deep, deep inside that they see that potential, too. You like them. Simple as that. And whether or not something truly happens out of this, is really just up to compatibility and fate.

So what draws you in? What is it that makes you stop in your tracks, completely forget everything that is going on in your life, and focus on this person? Even if it is fleeting, the feeling of love at first sight is ever present in your mind. And you can read articles upon articles about how humans fall in love and the science of our emotions, but nothing quite rings more true to the theory of falling in love at first sight than having the experience happen for yourself. You can call it initial attraction, or perhaps just a gut reaction – nonetheless you are drawn in. You like them, and it’s just up to you to do something about it.

The thing is – love just happens. It just does. You can’t quite explain it, but it exists and often times the potential of falling in love with someone happens within the first glance.

A 2014 study by the University of Chicago found that there is a difference in the brain regions activated and eye patterns between sexual desire and love. Although the participants in the study were looking at images of either single attractive people or couples, the researchers believe the study proves that the brain is able to instantly process the two emotions separately. 

Some still believe that true love is something that grows slowly over time and effort and involves personal sacrifice, the Guardian reported. Even Fisher said it will take time, memories and hard work to fully build love, according to Women’s Health. (

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The Reason People Feel That They Are Experiencing Love At First Sight Is:

1. You’re a hopeless romantic.

Love-at-first-sight syndrome is fundamentally based off frequent intense emotions and fantasizing about romance, so this is the most important sign.If you’re not a hopeless romantic, you can’t possibly be afflicted.     

2. Your crushes are either all or nothing.

When it comes to your feelings for someone, there is no middle ground.

You either feel nothing toward someone, or you feel way too much. Casually crushing on someone is an unfamiliar concept to you.

3. You normally don’t crush on more than one person at a time.

All those strong feelings for multiple people all the time would be way too exhausting. The emotional side of your brain would be on overload.

4. You don’t have a “type.”

Those with love-at-first-sight syndrome don’t really adhere to a type, so anybody can spark their interest at any time.  This means you’re open-minded, which is good, but it also means you’re never safe from a potential fall.

5. You hate the casual dating process.

The casual dating process makes you nervous because your feelings are never casual.

You don’t like only being able to see the object of your affection once a week for a few hours on a Friday night dinner date, and you hate these modern day texting games that don’t let you talk to him or her whenever you want.   If you like someone, you like that person a lot and having to pretend to be so blasé about it all the time gives you anxiety.

6. You’ve never really developed feelings for a friend.

The nature of love-at-first-sight syndrome is you know right away whether or not you’re interested in someone because your feelings smack you right in the face.

So, if you’ve already friend-zoned someone, it takes a lot for you to actually remove him or her from the friend zone and see that person in a romantic light.

7. You tend to obsess over things, even those not related to romance.

Obsessive thinking is a staple of someone afflicted with love-at-first-sight syndrome.

Because you ruminate about things easily, you’re susceptible to obsessively thinking about your crush without even trying to.

Somehow, your crush always enters your other thought processes and gets stuck there for a long, long time.

8. You’re a future-oriented thinker.

Future-oriented thinkers like you are capable of staying in the present, but your mind is always lingering toward what’s next.

This means you easily find yourself fantasizing about a future with your crush, which intensifies your feelings for him or her.

9. Your biggest flaw is you’ve fallen for the idea of a person more than the actual person.   This happens to a lot of people, but it happens even more frequently to you.

Since your fall-hard, fall-fast feelings come without warning and often, with little to no real knowledge of the person, you can get caught up in your perception of your crush and elevate him or her on a pedestal that he or she may not deserve.

In other words, you can ignore reality sometimes — and that’s dangerous.

10. You are always disappointed and/or surprised if things don’t work out.  because you fell so hard for your crush so quickly, you’ve unconsciously convinced yourself he or she is “The One,” so you become upset and shocked if things don’t unfold the way you planned.

11. No matter what happens, you’ve never been cynical about love.

You know your next intense crush is probably right around the corner, so setbacks don’t make you jaded. Your heart is always open.

Most importantly, you know you’re capable of having powerful feelings for another person, which, while it drains your energy sometimes, is an incredible gift.

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Arguments against love at first sight                                                     

“If you believe in love at first sight, you will never stop looking.” Closer (2004; directed by Mike Nichols)

Arguments against the possibility of love at first sight are usually based on two main reasons. The first is an epistemic reason that claims that as the agent does not have sufficient knowledge about the person’s characteristics in order to fall in love, her response is merely imaginary wishful thinking and not a real emotion. The second reason is existential. It refers to the fact that as the agent does not have the time to exercise the activities typical of love, her emotional response cannot be that of romantic love.

The first argument implies that romantic love consists not merely of attraction to external appearance, which is the basis of sexual desire, but also of knowing the agent’s character traits, such as kindness, honesty, wisdom and a sense of humor. Such knowledge cannot be present at first sight, as it requires familiarity and common history    The fundamental mistake in this argument is the assumption that we cannot attribute to a person characteristics that are not seen at the moment. This assumption is incorrect since we often spontaneously attribute such characteristics, by using certain stereotypical evaluations. This is, for example, what underlies the “attractiveness halo,” in which what is beautiful is evaluated as also good. Accordingly, attractive people are more likely to be the object of love at first sight. It is as if these people begin the struggle to be loved with the initial obstacle already behind them. In love at first sight, the high value accorded to the other’s external appearance is projected onto her internal characteristics. Love at first sight can often mislead since it is based more on imagination than on sight; however, it can still be love, and is often very intense.

The second argument against love at first sight refers to the fact that love does not merely consist of feelings; rather, it essentially involves activities, and these cannot be exercised at first sight. In this regard, we may distinguish between action readiness and behavioral manifestation. Action readiness, rather than actual behavior, underlies emotions. There are many instances of action readiness that are not translated into actual behavior because of moral considerations, actual cost, or other practical and normative concerns. Thus, someone who is suffering from total paralysis may be in love, although his love is unaccompanied by any muscular activity. In such cases, action readiness is also present.    (Psychology Today)

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In Conclusion:

Now that we have all the information that we need to actually understand the idea of love: what’s real, whats just emotions, and what love actual is chemically and physically. We see that at first sight we do have crazy feeling and it might take us to a place, however forever is a long time, it’s not just that feeling that’s going to take use there, but the actually hard work,  compromise, living and loving throughout problems, much giving, relinquishing, trusting and believing, throughout the entire relationship, Not just at first sight!!! Please have happy relationships!!!







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